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EPP Global Pricing and Revenue Management Forum 2024 Program

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2-day training 12 November 2024


Understanding Value: The Path to Effective Pricing  Discover More

Strategies & Tactics for Pricing Excellence  Discover More


FORUM WORKSHOPS 13 November 2024

Coming soon

FORUM DAY - 1 14 November 2024

Welcome Coffee and Registrations

Welcome by Pol Vanaerde - President - EPP Pricing Platform

Opening Remarks


Session 1:
GEN AI - Pricing Reimagined: AI’s Revolutionary Role from Data to Deals

The Alchemy of AI: Transforming Numbers into Gold 

Unveil the secrets of generative AI as it turns raw data into profitable pricing models

The AI Pricing Forge: Crafting the Future of Commerce 

Case study of the fusion of AI and market dynamics to create robust pricing strategies that drive growth 


Machine Learning Mysteries: Unpacking Algorithms for Price Optimization 

An exploration of the intricate machine learning algorithms behind pricing optimization, discussing the latest advancements and their practical applications 

Gen AI Impact on CPQ Systems 

  • Are you ready for a complete overhaul of how your company approaches CPQ? 
  • The future role of sales teams and the relevance of current CPQ software 
Session 2:
ANALYTICS - Decoding Dollars: The Advanced Analytical Edge in Pricing Precision

Forecasting Frontiers: Predictive Power Plays 

Navigate the future of pricing with cutting-edge analytics that anticipate market trends and set the stage for strategic success



Advanced Analytics in Gaming 

Balancing player acquisition and retention with subscription and in-game revenues, and the tight feedback to product development 



Transparency in Pricing Algorithms 

Explore the tension between the need for transparency in AI-driven pricing algorithms to build consumer trust and the desire to protect these algorithms as trade secrets


Leveraging Technology for Advanced Pricing Strategies 

Deep dive discussions of:

  • Predictive Analytics for Price Optimization - Deep dive into how predictive analytics is revolutionizing price setting in various sectors 
  • Blockchain’s Role in Transparent Pricing - Exploring blockchain technology for creating transparent and tamper-proof pricing mechanisms 
  • Personalization at Scale with AI - Discussing the ethical and practical considerations of using AI for personalized pricing 
  • The Rise of Subscription Models - Examining the shift towards subscription-based pricing across different industries and its long-term sustainability 
  • Real-Time Pricing Adjustments - Delving into the technologies enabling real-time pricing and the challenges of implementing them

Lunch & Networking

Session 3:
RGM - Strategic RGM Mastery: Winning the Game of Growth

Is RGM the Next Step in the Future of Pricing? 

Explore how RGM is evolving from commercial B2B pricing 

Strategic RGM vs. Tactical Interventions

Join our journey from tactical RGM interventions to a more strategic RGM approach, focused on where to play and how to win.


Profit Maximizers: The Analytics of Advantage 

Leverage the laser precision of analytics to sculpt promotions and trade spend into tools of competitive supremacy

Session 4:
DYNAMIC PRICING - Real-Time Dynamic Pricing Strategies to Gain Competitive Advantage

EPP Remarks


Surge Pricing in Transportation: Market Efficiency or Consumer Exploitation?  

A debate on surge pricing pros and cons



AI-Driven Dynamic Pricing in E-Commerce and Retail 

Show the results of AI-driven dynamic pricing for our stores



Real-Time Pricing Strategies for  
Travel and Hospitality 

Explore the subtle differences among airlines, hotels, rental cars… 

Automated Price Matching 

Is this just chasing your dumbest competitor? 

Closing Remarks


FORUM DAY - 2 15 November 2024

Welcome Coffee and Registrations

Opening Remarks - The Magic Key

Session 5:
PRICE ELASTICITY - Advanced Segmentation & Price Elasticity Strategies for Market Mastery

Price Elasticity vs Price Sensitivity 

Behavioral pricing state-of-the-art price sensitivity 

Hospitality’s High Stakes: Pricing in the Fast Lane 

Elevate travel and hospitality experiences with pricing strategies that move at the speed of your guests’ expectations 

The Art of Luxury Brand Pricing: Balancing Exclusivity and Accessibility 

Discussing the delicate balance luxury brands must strike in their pricing strategies to maintain exclusivity while expanding their market reach


The Role of Psychological Pricing: Manipulative or Merely Effective? 

Discuss whether psychological pricing tactics are manipulative by exploiting consumer behavior or if they’re simply effective marketing strategies 

Coffee Break



Green Gains: Pricing for a Sustainable Future 

How to craft pricing models that not only profit but also promote a greener, more sustainable business ethos



Pricing Based on Feeling 

The luxury goods approach to pricing strategies and what we can learn for your own B2B and B2C brands

Lunch & Networking

Session 6:
GTM - Innovating Market Access & GTM

Case Study Shift from a Traditional Perpetual License Model to a Subscription-Based Model 

3 steps you must take to successfully expand customer base and increase LTV

Penetration Pricing for Streaming Services 

Long-term implications for your customers and your profit margins 

Keys to Success When Implementing a Freemium Model 

Explore the various elements we tried and what eventually was the key to our success

Session 7:
CX - Pricing Reimagined: Crafting the Transformative Customer Experience



Leveraging Cross-Industry Insights for Competitive Advantage  

Examine how we leveraged insights from hospitality to gain a competitive advantage in our own pricing program 



Insights from the Gaming Industry  

Explore how the customer experience  helps improve pricing, revenues and margins 

Using Value-Based Models to Combat the Murkiness of Traditional Pricing  

Critics argue that the token-based and subscription-based pricing models are not clearly value-driven, making it difficult for businesses to understand the cost relative to the value provided. See how we implemented a more transparent and customer-value-aligned pricing strategy.



Interaction Innovators: The Price of Engagement  

Explore groundbreaking technologies that are reshaping customer interactions and setting new standards for pricing engagement 



Algorithmic Pricing and Consumer  

Does the use of algorithmic pricing tools harm consumer interests and increase the potential for price manipulation? 

Big Data, Big Impact: Personalization at Scale 

Big data analytics takes center stage, transforming customer experiences into personalized pricing masterpieces

Closing Remarks

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